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Saturday, September 28, 2024 at 6:22 PM

…encourage school administrators and school boards to speak to other school districts about standing up against this takeover of our schools

Letter to Editor: First of all, thank you to educators from years gone by to the present who love our children and have labored for their best outcomes. Without them I would have no hope today. Knowing that pastors, churches, moms and dads have been praying regularly for school students and staff is good news. Let us take a laser light on education today.

School districts in Minnesota are in grave danger. Because school boards represent voters and taxpayers, start talking about how communities can stand together with schools to push back on the upcoming and current policies that are undermining education. Our children are our inheritance, not school buildings or a government agenda.

In the last year policies decided by a governor-appointed board, Professional Education Licensing and Standards Board (PELSB), has set revised teacher licensing standards for new and renewing teachers which include a mandate to teach Marxist activism. This PELSB mandate is now being taught in Minnesota colleges and universities so when they are required to sign for a license in 2025 they will be ready to teach our children socialism integrated in all areas of study and thought. For more information check the website Child Protection League and search PELSB.

School boards and administrators are not the culprits yet they are complicit in allowing this injustice. Unions are another factor. In 2008 Minnesota had 50 education lobbyists while corporations had one or less on average. The strength of their organizing is evident financially, academically, and autocratically.

Highlighting our needs, we must keep our eyes on the Minnesota legislature. They are advancing an agenda at l ightning s peed. S tart contacting state officials heading up education and human rights act committees; watch their live broadcasts of committees, house and senate proceedings on the state website https://www. leg.mn.gov/ .

Let’s pray and encourage school administrators and school boards to speak to other school districts about standing up against this takeover of our schools. If enough of them work together other districts will rally with them. It only takes a few brave people to start a new American Revolution. For the sake of our children the battle is worth it. Ordinary citizens, we must speak now! Administrators are not standing alone with no recourse but need our truth to protect and save our local schools and for us together to save our children! They need parents, taxpayers, voters, and faith leaders to STAND with them NOW!

We saw how the comprehensive sex ed curriculum works. Now it is a grooming process to sexualize children. Schools need to show the public any CASEL-style SEL programming they are using on our children and why. Allow yourselves to be vulnerable, like each innocent child, to fix this adult problem. It is up to each one of us to fix this agenda quickly. Home schooling is a very serious option!

Patricia Moulton Rush City MN


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