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Saturday, September 28, 2024 at 2:31 AM

…CNN fact checkers found claims that were false, misleading, or lacking key context

Letter to the editor Dear Readers, Individual-2 penned a letter to readers stating, “A democracy cannot survive without a citizenry that is well-informed and thinks critically before reacting.” I agree! Individual-2 went on to say “How do we get past the misinformation and get the facts?” A recent survey revealed that only 3.7% of journalists are Republicans. Therefore, one could conclude that 96% of all misinformation comes from complicit liberal media, Democrat leakers, and political talking heads.

Liberal media has been complicit with Democrat operatives in a long list of disinformation that dominated all media platforms and news cycles such as the Hunter Biden laptop from hell is Russian disinformation with 51 Democrat signatories so Biden could lie in the debates, pushed the fake Steele dozier paid for by Clinton and Russia collusion hoax disproved by the Muller report, peddled the Wuhan lab leak is a Republican conspiracy theory, blamed unvaccinated for the spread of CoVID19, created fake news on Nick Sandman as a MAGA kid, border agents whipping illegal aliens, and on and on like Biden does more work in one hour than any American does in a day. What a joke!

Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Democrats violated free speech protections of the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment by coercing social media platforms into censoring certain posts, ruling the White House, the FBI and top health officials may not “coerce or significantly encourage” social-media companies to remove content, adding “the government is not permitted to advance these interests to the extent that it engages in viewpoint suppression,” the panel wrote. Saving free speech, Democrat style!

As of June 2023, federal employees and employees in 34 states are prohibited from using the TikTok app on government devices yet Biden uses this app for campaigning and has hired influencers for peddling Dark Brandon misinformation.

Biden’s SOTU address was a hyper partisan political speech, citing his “predecessor” 13 times. CNN fact checkers found claims that were false, misleading, or lacking key context. Washington Post delineated a dozen lies. FactCheck.org and PolitiFact contextualized even more lies. Saving democracy Democrat style with misinformation by the self-proclaimed uniter and healer of America’s soul.

Nice try Individual-2, but you might be full of #2 to think for even one second that I could be baited into being your toady, LOL!! With a modicum of critical thinking and research, you can discover for yourself a plethora of significant issues ‘Big Guy’ and the Democrat party perpetrated on America.

Individual-1 Mike Banovetz Ely, MN


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