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Sunday, September 29, 2024 at 4:26 PM

Forest Service tones down bear aware food storage order

The Forest Service has revised and toned down the controversial order relating to hanging food packs in the BWCA to keep bears out.

The updated forest order for the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness requires all food, food containers and scented items be safely stored to help prevent bear-human interactions.

Similar orders in previous years have been issued in response to bearhuman interactions,theintentoftheorder is to prevent those interactions from occurring by mandating bear aware human behaviors in regions known to have significant risk of interactions.

New FAQs released May 20: Q. Why $5000 and/or six months in prison because Idecided that ablue barrel is safer than hanging when hanging has proved to be unreliable at best?

A. The fine for violation of this order is $50. This is not a precedent setting example given that all Class B misdemeanors have a ceiling set by congress. In fact, many BWCA regulations carry the same potential for up to a $5,000 fine or jail time. The Forest Service intends to educate the public rather than issue citations during this transition.

Q. Isn’t stashing or storing blue barrels onthegroundeffectiveindeterring bears?

A. The Forest Service has promoted hanging blue barrels and food packs for decades. There have been multiple examples in the BWCA to demonstrate the ineffectiveness of stashing or storing unsecured blue barrels. While blue barrels may appear “airtight,” bears candetectfoodwithinthesecontainers. Properly hanging or using IGBC approved containers is the best practice to prevent future bear/human encounters while traveling in the BWCAW.

Q.ThereareBWCAWcampsitesthat do not have a tree that would be physically capable of meeting the criteria. Are you saying it is illegal for someone without a bear resistant container to stay at those sites?

A.Stashingorstoringbluebarrelson the ground is not effective in deterring bears. The Forest Service has promoted hanging blue barrels and food packs for decades. There have been multiple examples in the BWCA to demonstrate theineffectivenessofstashingorstoring unsecured blue barrels.

Q. What is the purpose or goal of Forest Order 09-09-24-02?

A. Educating the public on proper food storage will be the primary tool used for implementing this new regulation. The fine for non-compliance of the food storage order is $50. The objective for instituting the food storage order is to protect black bears, preserve wilderness character, and enhance safety for BWCAW visitors.

Q. Can you use your Blue Barrel and put an IGBC approved container inside the barrel.

A. Yes you can. Q. With large groups (nine) and a lot of food it is a real issue with hanging – especially camps, youth groups, and scouts. What is the recommendation for these groups?

A. By reducing heavier menu items, increasing the quantity of containers, and/or segmenting the groups food storage will allow food containers to be used and stored properly.

Q. What happens if someone gets hurt from a heavy cooler of barrel falling on them?

A. Smart and safe wilderness travel should be a priority for each visitor. Ensuring your food storage container is hung safely and using multiple containers to ensure you can hang it relies on good judgement.

Q. How did this get decided? Folks have been going for years, hanging their packs, and following LNT and doing just fine.

A. Wilderness-wide food storage orders have been implemented in the past. However, this is the first time the ForestServicehascommittedtohaving a wilderness-wide order in place for this length of time (up to two years with the potential to extend) as a preventative measure.

Q. How do we know how to hang the food storage containers exactly how it’s required? Can you offer any hanging techniques? Is there a video that can help?

A. See the Forest Order exhibits that show how to properly hang your food.

Q. The cost of the new approved equipment may be a challenge for some and the change over from the blue barrels – how is the Forest Service addressing the burden of cost to visitors?

A. The Forest Service recognizes that some visitors may need to rent or purchasenewequipment(pulleys,rope, IGBC containers, etc.) to comply with the food storage Forest order. The implementation of the forest order allows for a transition and education period.

Q. If I’m unable to hang my food due to lack of trees on my campsite, will I get a ticket?

A. The goal of this forest order is to educate the public on the risk of bear/ human conflict due to food, and proper food storage to reduce wildlife from becoming habituated.


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