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Sunday, September 29, 2024 at 10:27 PM

…Biden spun a fantasyland of a presidency that voters know is false

Letter to the editor Dear Readers, Biden handlers avoided interviews with journalists willing to ask tough questions. NY Times editorial board wrote, “Wednesday’s chat with CNN’s Erin Burnett shows why. In a brief 17 minutes, Biden told 15 lies, nearly a lie a minute. From whoppers about the economy to prevarications on Israel, Biden spun a fantasyland of a presidency that voters know is false.” Propaganda lies.

NY Post editorial board wrote, “Are other world leaders really pulling Biden aside after his nap and saying ‘democracy is at stake’ if he loses? Give us a break.”

Biden claimed inflation was 9% when he took office when in fact it was only 1.4%. Biden’s inflation numbers do not include gas and food! When asked how inflation affects Americans, Biden responded “people have money to spend”, “they’re personally in good shape.” Demented or delusional?

CNN reported, “Biden’s claim of 15 million jobs being created in the US during his administration is correct, but it lacks the context that so many jobs were temporarily lost during the Covid-19 pandemic,” due to Democrat mandates! Lying by omission. CBS reports 1 in 5 of those jobs are taken by illegal aliens.

The Post’s editorial board said “he created nothing” and accused Biden of lying about former President Trump losing more jobs than he created, which they called a “corollary lie.”

Biden went to a holocaust memorial, then the next day he pulled congressionally approved arms and munitions to Israel needed to eradicate Hamas terrorists. Genocide Joe is pandering to Hamas terrorist loving Democrat voters who chant death to America and killing all Jews from the river to the sea while screwing the only democratic country in the region. Starting with the disastrous Afghan withdrawal, Biden is orchestrating a master class on foreign policy blunders.

Mike Banovetz Ely, MN


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