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Sunday, September 29, 2024 at 2:27 PM

The 3 o’clock hour, Tuesday, April 30, 2024 ur, Tuesday, April 30, 2024

The 3 o’clock hour, Tuesday, April 30, 2024 ur, Tuesday, April 30, 2024
Ty Walker, Chase Anderson and Alex Merriman: Ty: “Me and the boys are going
to a golf meet. We going to probably shoot par. Possibly lower. I birdie almost every hole. The call me ‘Clutch Mikey’ for a reason. Clutch Mikey. That’s my name.
I always clutch up and shoot birdies. It means: I’m good.” Chase: “Going to go
shoot some golf. My nick name is ‘Chander Lorian’.” (Why do they call you that?)
Ty: “They call him that because he’s the Commandalorian of golf. He’s a legend.”
Alex: “They call me Merriman.” (And why do they call you that?). Alex: “I wonder.
I’ve wondered that forever. I’m shooting probably a 32 today, is what I’m hoping
for. Couple under par, you know. Get a couple birdies. Maybe an eagle. The goal
is a hole in one. Yeah, that’s the hope. It’s like, I hit the ball and right after I hit the
ball, it just goes into the hole. One hit. A hole in one.” (We’re counting on that for
you guys today. How’s the team doing?) Ty: “ We’re #1. We’re going to Babbitt. The
teams doing alright.” All: “We’re going to State!”

Author: Pam Roberts

Rebekah and Ira Doble then along came sister Harper and in the background Norah: “ Rebekah: “Ira has muddy fingers. He likes to play in the dirt. He’s a little farm boy so he likes to get dirty. He says no and mama. And this is Harper and that’s Norah over there. Harper, what did we do today. Did we go to the Dairy Queen? Norah what did you get from the Dairy Queen, a Dilly Bar? (Can you tell me a little about you?). Rebekah: “I live in Tower. We have a small hobby farm. We just moved from Iowa about two years ago. We had some cows, chickens, pigs. My husband Jacob Doble is a butcher. He’s building a little shop at our house right now. It’s not running yet but soon. He’ll butcher cows, pigs, chickens, sheep, goats, deer. People will have to bring the animals to our place. It will be like a custom meat processing shop. Cutting and packaging. I hear there is a need for it. Being farmers ourselves we really had to learn to do it ourself and then he was working at a place down in Iowa and it’s what his grandpa did for a living. So he’s really quite good at it. It’s going to be Iron to Iron Butchering but we aren’t running yet. We were hoping to be open by this fall but he’s building it by himself so it’s hard to say when all the inspections are going to be done and stuff like that and get the well and the septic done. We hope by fall but if things get backed up with contractors you don’t know, but that’s our hope, by this fall. We were in northern Iowa in Goodell. My in-laws live in Cook so we moved here two years ago. Having kids, it’s nice to be close to family. Today we went to the library in Babbitt and the kids said they wanted ice cream so we kind of just did a loop. The kids were kind of napping in the car so I didn’t mind doing a little detour and stopped here in the park after going to the Dairy Queen. We’ll go back to Tower from here. It was a really lovely day. We love being here. It’s wonderful. It’s a good place to raise the family.”
Tracy and Cade Thibodeaux: Tracy: “There are varsity and JV softball games starting at 4:30 p.m. at the softball field, the one right there where you see the girls in the red jerseys.” (By the old warming house.) “I am 15 years old, a ninth grader and I play JV in junior high. School is pretty good. I am interested in sports: Softball and volleyball and I really like history class.” (Anything special coming up?) “School ends soon and this summer I am going to Scotland with Scouts BSA. It is the International Scouting organization. It’s basically where a bunch of youth come together safely and with fun to a bunch of cool stuff like go to Scotland. I’m going to the Scotland National Jamborette. I’m going to meet a bunch of people from around the world for two weeks, travel around Scotland and then end up at Blair Atholl Castle and do some fun stuff there. The Jamborette is basically a jamboree almost on a smaller but larger scale. Less people but a bigger thing.” Cade: “Bigger scope. The Jamborettes are designed to be international, where you have scouts from around the world coming to a local place. A jamboree is more people from a local area coming to one place. Boy Scouts of America has a Jamboree happening here in America. They’ll see 20-25,000 people show up to that event. The Jamborette in Scotland will only have about 3-4,000 total people but they will be from Taiwan, Japan, China, Russia, all over Europe, America, South America. It’s a much bigger scope of draw but a smaller event. This is primarily for scouting skills so the idea of pioneering and creating things with poles and ropes as well as there will be events and races, challenges, things like that. One of the big challenges they have that they call Atholl Experience is very similar to an adventure race where they will have teams where they will have a running race where they are trudging through mud holes, they are climbing over walls that you can’t get over by yourself. They’re doing activities and little events. It’s very similar to some of the adventure races that people would be familiar with over here.” (Tell me a little bit about You.) Cade: “I am her dad. I am also a substitute teacher at the school and I am having the chance to see her as she is walking to her game. I’m walking over to Dan’s Garage to see about my truck that’s getting fixed. Hopefully I will have my truck back here soon and then I was going to make it back over to watch the game tonight. We happened to see each other from across the park and we decided to talk for a minute too before we parted ways and came back together at the game.” (I better let you get going). “Thank you.” Cade: “Goo
Lexy Fenske: “I’ve never been caught by you but I love your articles. That’s Rudy, the barefoot one and the other one is Hollace right there with the monster truck. We are just hanging out at the park today because it’s finally a nice afternoon. It’s not raining. These two little guys have conferences at four o’clock so we decided to meet up and switch back to back and one of us will go to the conferences and one of us will watch the kids. I’m going to go there pretty soon. I live here in town.” Hollace: “Mom I’m going to ride my dirt bike.” Lexy: “He wants to go home and ride his dirt bike.” (We better get a picture first.). Hollace: “My dad got a new snowmobile for me. Rudy loves to find bugs. Rudy you like to find bugs don’t you!?” Lexy: “Rudy what kind of bugs to you like to find.” Hollace: “We found some worms in the puddle over there. They survived in that puddle.” (I found one outside my door too and I picked him up and put him in the garden.I didn’t want to step on it.” Lexy: “Did you? We feed them to our chickens sometimes, don’t we? That’s what you were looking for weren’t you? You were looking for a worm for your chick today. Isn’t that what you were up to today Rudy?” “Cheese...” Lexy: “You caught my fatherin-law and my husband one time and we have the article laminated somewhere. We read them weekly. We’ll probably go home from here. I made some taco soup and we’ll probably have that with some cornbread for dinner and play outside. We have lots of trees down from the wind last week...” Kids: “MOM watch this!” Lexy: They’re doing wheelies. They spend most of their afternoon doing wheelies.” (Kids sure have fun here.) Lexy: “Thanks for catching us.”


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