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Friday, September 20, 2024 at 10:48 AM

Ely Police Report for March 2024


• Responded to a residence to issue two adult males trespass notices and citations from previous incidents.

• Adult male cited for misuse of 911 for repeated calls to 911 dispatch when no emergency exists.

• Officers initiated a traffic stop on a vehicle with equipment violations. The license showed that the registered owner was revoked. The driver was identified and was revoked in Minnesota. The driver also could not provide proof of insurance. The driver was cited for Driving After Revocation and No Proof of Insurance.

Calls/Complaints/Assists: • Officer was dispatched to a report that a vehicle was driving down the wrong side of the road. The area was searched. Nothing was located.

• Di spa t ched to a ha rassment cal l. The complainant was currently in Duluth. Officer attempted to call the number provided multiple times. The call was never answered.

• Officer was requested to assist Breitung Police on a suicide threats call. Breitung transported the individual to the hospital for evaluation.

• Assisted an adult female who requested the police do a “Walk through” to make sure the callers ex was not there. Officers found the doors locked and no one was found in the house.

• Officers responded to a residence on a report of doors slamming and screaming. Located an adult male and female, who the caller had reported were responsible. Officers advised both involved parties to keep the noise levels down.

• Officer requested to assist St. Louis County Sheriff’s Office on a suicidal threat call.

• Officer responded to a call of a person who had lost their keys and had concerns about calendar parking.

• Officer dispatched to a report of an open door at a business. The caller stated she saw the keyholder leave without locking the door. The officer did a walk through and did not notice anything out of place. The officer was not successful at reaching a keyholder.

• Two adult females were trespassed from The Ely and Babbitt Dollar General.

• A n of f i c er wa s dispatched for a civil standby so an individual to retrieve some personal belongings from a residence.

• Dispatched to a call of a disturbance at a residence. An elderly female had barricaded herself in a room and was breaking things in protest. Family members arrived and were able to calm her down.

• Assisted an adult female with fingerprints.

• Assisted an adult female with fingerprints.

• Officer served an adult male with a Notice of Maintenance of Private Property from the city.

• Officer responded to a call of a hit and run. The vehicle had been parked in front of the caller’s residence. The officer documented, examined, and photographed the damage.

• Officer was dispatched to a 911 hang up. Upon call back, Dispatch advised it was an elderly person who needed help getting up. The officer arrived and confirmed that the person was uninjured. Medics arrived and the person was helped up. The officer got the caller a glass of water.

• Officers were dispatched to a report of an accident involving two vehicles with no injuries. Officers took the insurance information from both involved parties.

• The police department received a report from Child Protection about possible child neglect.

• The police department received a report from Child Protection about possible child neglect.

• Officer assisted an adult male with fingerprints.

• Officer received a report from Hennepin County Probation that an adult male had absconded from probation and may be in the Ely area. It was determined that the adult male also had two warrants for his arrest. Officers will be on the lookout.

• Adult female came to the police department to report her concern for the welfare of her elderly neighbor. The officer contacted family about the concerns and provided resource information that could help.

• Officer assisted the ambulance with an elderly male who was hallucinating. The ambulance arrived and transported the patient to the hospital.

• Officer was dispatched to check the welfare of an elderly male. The reporting party was his daughter, who advised that he has a motion sensor in his house that will notify her if it does not sense motion for awhile and she had received one of those notifications. Upon calling, it went straight to voice mail. The elderly male was located in his residence. He was asked to contact his daughter.

• Officer was asked to call a party who was reporting that someone had added water to his oil. Dispatch advised that he wanted to have the police confirm his fluid levels. The calls went straight to voicemail.

• Officer responded to a report of a burglary that had occurred in January. Officer spoke to the reporting party who advised that someone had pushed an air conditioning unit into the residence and then entered the building. A 42” TCL TV was ta ken. Under investigation.

• Officer responded to a report of a deceased individual. Officer spoke to the reporting party who stated she found a member of her family had passed in the night. The caller reported that this was not unexpected due to the family members health.

• Officer was dispatched on a request to assist on a medical. Officer assisted them the medics in getting the patient loaded into the ambulance.

• Officer was dispatched to a report of someone screaming for help. Officer could hear a dog howling and panting from inside. There was no answer to the Officer knocking on the door. The officer spoke to a neighbor who said the dog is a deaf basset hound, and it does this all the time. The neighbor confirmed that the resident was not at home.

• Officer requested to assist Babbitt Police Department on a traffic stop. Officer stood by while BPD completed the stop.

• Officer responded to a call on an adult female who was looking for information on a Harassment/Restraining Order.

• Officer attempted a pickup on an adult male with a warrant for his arrest. The officer contacted an adult female who denied that he was in the house.

• Officer assisted an adult male with fingerprints.

• Officer assisted an adult male with fingerprints.

• Officer served an adult male a trespass notice.

• Officer assisted an adult female with fingerprints.

• Officer was dispatched to a call of a German Shephard off leash. The dog was barking and chasing people. The owner was contacted and will correct the issue.

• Officers were dispatched to a report of an intoxicated adult female who was upset and making threats to harm herself.

• Officer assisted and adult female with fingerprints.

• Assisted an adult male with an application for a permit to purchase a handgun.

• Officer was dispatched to a report of a person who stated that someone had sprayed “Cadaver Scent” in his apartment.

• Officers responded to Carefree Living to assist with lifting a patient back into bed.

• Received a report of a possible fraudulent rental scam based out of Ely. An unidentified suspect had posted in “Ely MN Rentals” on a social media site, about a rental property available in Ely.

• Officers were dispatched to assist in lifting an elderly man who had fallen. Officers assisted in getting the patient back to bed.

• Assisted an adult male who applied for a permit to purchase a handgun.

• Officers received a report from Child Protection of possible child neglect.

• Officers received a report from Child Protection of possible child neglect.

• Officers were dispatched to a possible burglary in progress at a residence. As officers arrived, they were met by the reporting party, who informed them that a male had carried a suitcase out of the neighbor’s apartment and headed to a vehicle parked on the street. Officers located the male at the vehicle and identified him. He explained to the officers that he had permission from the resident to be there. It was verified that he had permission.

• Officers responded to assist the ambulance crew with lifting a patient and getting her into the ambulance.

• Officers responded to a request to a civil standby while one party received mail from another party. This was done to avoid any contact and conflict between the two.

• Officer assisted St. Louis County Sheriff’s Office with serving papers on an adult male.

• Officer assisted the ambulance with a medical.

• Officer was dispatched to a report of an adult female screaming behind the baseball fields. Officer located the female, who was singing loudly. After talking with her, she said she would be going back inside.

• An adult fema le approached the officer to report that her dog had gone missing. A description of the dog as taken, and she was advised that she would be contacted if it was located.

• Officer assisted the ambulance with a medical.

• Officer responded to a civil standby while one party received personal items from another party.

• Assisted an adult female with fingerprints.

• Assisted in calming an elderly female who was becoming combative. Officers were able to calm her enough so she could be brought to the hospital.

• Officers were dispatched to the Grand Ely Lodge on a report of an elderly woman who appeared to be having memory issues.

• Officer was dispatched to an adult male with stomach pain. The medics arrived and assisted him.

• Officer responded to a call to check the welfare of an elderly woman who had been displaying increasing problems with memory.

• Officer responded to a residence on a report of an elderly woman who thought her ex-boyfriend had been in her residence the previous night and was removing things. The elderly woman’s family was contacted and made aware. The elderly woman remained confused and upset and she later requested to go to the hospital.

• Officer attempted to contact an adult male who wanted to report that someone had damaged his ATV. After numerous attempts and voicemails, the caller answered the phone. His complaint was that someone had tampered with his oil. It was determined that no damage was done. When the officer asked who he thought was doing the damage, he declared that it was the officer’s job to figure it out.

• Officers were parked near the school when they heard a crash. An adult female was in the drop off lane and turned prior to the turn, hitting the fire lane sign. The sign was bent but not a hazard. Minimal damage to the vehicle. The school was notified of the incident.

• Officers received information of a black lab that had attacked an adult female and her dog. The female was located. She was not injured, nor was her dog. The dog was never located.

• Officer assisted the ambulance with loading an adult female for transport.

• Officer received a call of a possible burglary in progress. Officer found no tracks in the fresh snow and the building was secure.

• Officer received a call of a 911 disconnect. Cell tower coordinates only. Nothing was located.

• Officer received a call of someone screaming “Let me in”. Vague description of the area. No one in distress was located.

• Di spa t ched to a complaint of someone plowing snow into the caller’s driveway. Officer observed a large pile of snow on the sidewalk. Officer explained that a person could not plow snow onto city or private property without permission. Officer attempted to speak to the plow driver if located.

• Dispatched to suicidal adult male. Babbitt Police advised that a cell phone ping was made near Miners Lake. The area was searched with no results. Babbitt Police were later able to contact the adult male’s father, who confirmed that the male was stable and not threatening to harm himself.

• Assisted an adult male with fingerprints.

• Assisted an adult female with an application for Permit to Purchase.

• Officer assisted an elderly female with a ride from EBCH and assisting her into her home.

• Off ic er re c eived information about a lost phone. Contact information was provided in case it was located.

• Assisted the ambulance with a medical with an adult male. No transport was necessary.

• Dispatched to a local business for a male customer yel l ing and shout ing obscenities. Upon arrival, it was determined that the adult male had left. A video showed the male storming out of the building and driving over the curb, hitting a sign. The business requested that the male be trespassed.

• Dispatched to assist Fire with a report of a CO Alarm at a residence. Fire asked the home owners to leave for the night as the CO level was deemed high.

• Officer was dispatched on a report of a mother yelling at her children. The caller, who lives out of state, said he was facetiming his children and he could hear their mother yelling at them in the background. Officer spoke to the adult mother of the children. She admitted raising her voice at the caller, not the children. The children seemed happy and healthy.

• Officer was dispatched to assist the ambulance with a lift assist. Patient was transported to the hospital.

• Officer was dispatched to an alarm at a business. The building was found secure. Key holder was notified.

• Officers responded to a motion alarm at a business. Officers notice a ceiling tile that was wet, had fallen in an office. Key holder was notified.

• Officer was dispatched to a residence for the report of an elderly woman roaming around without clothes on. The officer located and then spoke at length to the woman. Her observations were that she was very confused and would circle back around to the same conversations in a looping manner. She admitted that she threw all of her medicines and purse in the trash. All of the officer’s observations were reported to the Crisis Response Mobile Team. The female was transported to the hospital. The Crisis Team met the officer at the hospital and the female was left in their care. Additionally, the officer notified the family of the current situation.

• Received a call of a dog found at the Post Office. The dog was not microchipped and was brought to the Ely vet clinic.

• Responded to a call to check the welfare on an elderly female.

• Dispatched to an accident with a parked truck and a city plow. Officer obtained the necessary information from the involved parties and completed the accident report.

• Dispatched to assist on lifting and elderly male who had fell.

• Dispatched to speak to an angry home owner who accused the city plow driver of singling him out and leaving more snow in his driveway.

• Officer was dispatched to check the welfare of an elderly female who had left the hospital. The officer located her later in the day at her residence. She was confused but refused medical treatment.

• Officer assisted a citizen in locating her lost dog.

• Officers observed a Conservation Officer pulled to the side of the road to assist an adult woman who had fallen. The woman was transported to the hospital to be checked out.

• Received a report of possible child neglect.

• Officers responded to assist the ambulance with an elderly male who needed transport.

• An adult male called to say that his adult mother had property of his which he wanted returned. They have not been in contact for a year. The mother was told that she could bring it to the police if she wanted no contact with her son.


Ely Echo

Babbitt Weekly

Spirit of the Wilderness
Z'up North Realty
Canoe Capital Realty (white)
North American Bear Center
The Ely Echo Photo Printing Service
Canvenience Driveways
Grand Ely Lodge
Ely Realty