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Friday, September 27, 2024 at 10:14 PM

School Board Meeting Minutes February 12, 2024 (Board Approved March 11, 2024)

1.0 The regular meeting of the School Board of Independent School District No. 696 was called to order in the Board Meeting Room at 6:00 p.m. by Chairman Marsnik.

2.0 On roll call the following directors were present: Westlund, Coombe, Colarich, Sjoberg, Marsnik. Absent: Omerza. Also in attendance: Anne Oelke, Superintendent/PreK-5 Principal; Jeff Carey, 6-12 Principal; Tim Leeson, Transportation and Facilities Director; Tom Coombe, The Ely Echo; Catie Clark, Timberjay.

3.0 Pledge of Allegiance

4.0 Approval of Agenda:

4.a. Moved by Colarich, seconded by Sjoberg, to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried. (Vote:


5.0 Open Forum: None at this meeting

6.0 Correspondence/informational items: 6.a. Widseth presentation on bids for Ely Public School Window Replacement

6.b. FY 2023 Audit presentation by Walker, Giroux & Hahne

6.c. Memorial Student Council Report

6.d. Ely Community Resources, Inc. Quarterly Progress Report - 4th Quarter, October 1 - December 31, 2023

7.0 Consent Agenda:

7.a. Moved by Coombe, seconded by Colarich, to approve the following Program Consent Agenda:

7.a.1. Approved the minutes of the regular meeting of January 8,


7.a.2. Approved the minutes of the study session of January 22,


7.a.3. Approved January 2024 re ceipt s i n t he a mou nt of

$851,272.85 and disbursements in the amount of $493,573.63.

7.a.4. Approved January 2024 Financial Report. Motion carried (Vote: 5,0)

7.b. Moved by Sjoberg, seconded by Coombe, to approve the Personnel Consent Agenda:

7.b.1. Accepted the resignation of Eliza Vistica as head girls track coach.

7.b. 2. (Added) Hired Jill Ellerbroek for the head girls track position as recommended by 6-12 Principal, Jeff Carey and Athletic Director, Tom Coombe.

Motion carried. (Vote: 5,0)

7.c. Policy Consent Agenda: None at this meeting

8.0 Old Business:

8.a. Phase II Completion Project update given by Superintendent Oelke

8.b. Discussion on Northland Learning Center building project

9.0 New Business:

9.a. Moved by Colarich, seconded by Westlund, to authorize and direct the Superintendent of Independent School District No. 696 to initiate discussions with the Lake Superior School District regarding school district boundaries and possible future adjustments to district boundaries. Motion carried. (Vote: 5,0)

9.b. Moved by Sjoberg, seconded by Coombe, to adopt the Resolution Authorizing Independent School District No. 696 to Make Application to and Accept Revenue Bond Grant Funds from the IRRRB. Motion carried. (Vote: 5,0)

9.c. Moved by Sjoberg, seconded by Coombe, to approve the 2024--

2025 school year calendar as presented. Motion carried. (Vote:


9.d. Moved by Colarich, seconded by Coombe to approve Base Bid No.

1 in the amount of $1,684,000.00 submitted by Lenci Enterprises Inc. for Ely Public School Window Replacement. (Widseth Project#

2023-11758). Motion carried. (Vote:

5,0) (Eliminated Add Alternate Bid No. 1 in the amount of $200,000.00)

9.e. Moved by Sjoberg, seconded by Coombe, to approve Resolution Accepting Donations. Motion carried. (Vote: 5,0)

9.f. Discussion on Althing District AIRs

10.0 Reports:

10.a. Athletic Director – Tom Coombe

11.a.1. State meet participants in both girls and boys Nordic skiing

11.a.2. Other winter sports are heading into the playoff season

10.b. Director of Facilities Report – Tim Leeson: None at this meeting

10.c. PreK-12 Principals’ Report - Anne Oelke and Jeff Carey

10.c.1. 7th Grade PE class goes dogsledding

10.c.2. Early release meeting, teachers teaching teachers

10.c.3. School wide pajama day

10.c.4. Knowledge Bowl Team competes for the 1st time in twenty years

10.c.5. PTO Book Swap

10.c.6. Ely Dance team takes 2nd place at the Monticello Invitational

10.c.7. Winter Frolic Week

10.c.8. Student Council, Students of the Month for 6-12 graders

10.c.9. Current Enrollment: Washington-200, Memorial-330

10.d. Superintendent – Anne Oelke

10.d.1. Meetings attended and attending

10. d. 2. Up com i ng St udy Sessions; budget discussions and planning, procedure for state tournaments, MSBA Strategic Planning presentation

10.d.3. February Early Release meetings

11.0 Board members comments and concerns: None at this meeting


12.a. Moved by Colarich, seconded by Coombe, to go into a closed session to discuss EEA negotiation strategies at 6:59 p.m. Motion carried. (Vote: 5,0) Board Members Present: Westlund, Coombe, Colarich, Sjoberg, Marsnik. Absent: Omerza Marsnik adjourned closed session at 7:35 p.m.

13.0 Moved by Colarich, seconded by Westlund, to adjourn at 7:36 p.m. Motion carried. (Vote: 5,0) Rochelle Sjoberg, Clerk

5001-264949 Ely Echo Publication Date(s): Mar. 16, 2024


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