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Monday, March 31, 2025 at 5:01 PM

Letters to the Editor

….in fact, I only skimmed the first half of what he had to say

Dear Readers: Last week I wrote about ferreting out facts from misand disinformation to the extent we can. Coincidentally, Mike Banovetz, a person with whom I disagree on many issues, wrote about the filth that reportedly comes out of President Biden’s mouth. My initial reaction was to simply ignore it as just more of Mike’s raving. In fact, I only skimmed the first half of what he had to say. It seemed incredible to me that a president exhibiting such a foul mouth and with so many reporters constantly hanging around would never have been caught on tape—at least not that I am aware of. However, I thought better of ignoring it. Following my own advice to consider points of view other than our own, I decided to read Mike’s entire letter and investigate his claims.

Mr. Banovetz provides sources for his claims: “Axios, The Times, Business Insider, The Independent, National Review, New York Post, The Telegraph, Washington Times and a host of other news outlets.” I would like to check them out, but Banovetz did not provide complete references. I ask him to provide the proper names of the periodicals along with the dates and applicable page numbers so we can do our due diligence by checking them out. I also ask for the same information on each of the additional “host of other news outlets.” Mike seems extremely well read, for which I commend him, so he should have no difficulty doing this. If he cannot, or will not, provide the information, consider this request as calling his bluff.

Rich Floyd Ely, MN


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