District 6 - Two Harbors CO Sean Williams (Ely #1) reports angling activity slowed again over the week into the weekend. The few anglers seen reported very little success. Violations included angling with no license in possession and a fish house on the ice after the legal deadline.
CO Tom Wahlstrom (Grand Marais) spent a time preparing for upcoming in-service training. Follow up on equipment maintenance was also completed. Wahlstrom also returned calls about snow and ice conditions.
CO Hudson Ledeen (Hovland) reports multiple anglers were checked on area lakes. Most anglers had little to show for their efforts, but some folks hit pay dirt and landed some quality trout. Lake travel remains good and likely will hold up nicely for the remainder of the trout season. Enforcement action was taken for various violations.
CO Anthony Bermel (Babbitt) reports lots of people were out chasing crappies, with some success noted. Enforcement action for the week included fishing with an extra line, litter, driving a vehicle on a prohibited trail, and failure to display ATV registration.
CO Megan Franzen (Silver Bay) spent the week monitoring angling activity around the area. Time was also spent attending waterfowl training near Winona. Ice anglers were reporting varied success throughout the week.
CO Trent Anderson (Tofte) focused on ice fishing enforcement for the week. Anglers enjoyed easy walking conditions on area lakes. Violations encountered included various angling violations.
CO Don Murray (Two Harbors) worked angling and ATV activity during the week. Most lakes still were holding good ice, but conditions can change quickly with the shallow areas and shorelines opening first. Spring closures have started on some forest roads and trails in the area. North Shore streams started flowing this week with areas opening and becoming ice free. Murray also worked on seasonal equipment maintenance.
District 5 - Eveleth area CO Darrin Kittelson (International Falls #1) reports the northern pike fishing on Rainy Lake continues to be the main activity monitored. Success has been slow. Equipment maintenance, administrative tasks, and case reports were worked on as well. People are reminded that with the recent snow fall, ice conditions can be deceptive and changing daily.
CO Curtis Simonson (International Falls #2) reports working fishing activity on area lakes and rivers. Fishing reports were slow throughout the week. ATV and snowmobile activity was monitored throughout the week. Boat and water safety work began as anglers have started to fish the Rainy River via boat in certain areas. Ice conditions have most of the river locked up yet west of Birchdale. Boat ramps remain locked up all along the Rainy River.
CO John Slatinski IV (Ray) monitored dock and shoreline projects, and assisted landowners with compliance concerns. Angling activity has been less than usual for the season and success has been down as well. Periodic snowfall has allowed for continued use of snowmobiles for travel. Shelter removal was monitored as well as cleanliness of areas after shelters were removed. Training and administrative tasks were tended to, and assistance was provided to neighboring agencies.
CO Troy Fondie (Orr) reports completing equipment work and computer training. Area forest roads continue to be checked. Angling activities remain light. Heavy weekend snow will bring a return to snowmobile travel.
CO Sean Cannon (Cook) spent time this week checking ice anglers, monitoring area forest roads and ATV activity, and checking for spring trapping activity. Time was also spent working on equipment.
CO Aaron Larson (Tower) worked primarily angling activity. Larson spent time checking for anglers targeting crappies on Lake Vermilion. He also spent time checking snowmobiles on lakes as the snow from the weekend has brought some activity back out. Ice conditions vary greatly with some spots remaining thick and other spots wide open on area lakes. Time was also spent fielding wildlife complaints and assisting DNR firefighters with a forest fire investigation.
CO Marc Johnson (Hibbing) primarily worked ATV and angling activity. In addition, time was also spent attending in-service training at Camp Ripley and completing administrative tasks. Recreational activity has taken a significant downturn in recent weeks as the seasons change.
CO Duke Broughten (Aurora) spent the week monitoring ice fishing activity. Recent cooler weather slowed lake ice from deteriorating. Anglers reported moderate success for panfish. Few ATVs were encountered this week. ATV operators are reminded to check spring road and trail closures.
Aviation Section
CO Pilot Jason Jensen (Brainerd) reports working on training tasks for the new aircraft.
CO Pilot Charles Scott (Brainerd) conducted flight training with unit pilots. He completed required flight training modules.
CO Pilot Tim Gray (Bemidji) flew a wolf telemetry flight for wildlife. He also started training in the Cessna 206 for upcoming missions.
CO Pilot Ryan Hanna (Grand Rapids) participated in an ATV work detail looking for illegal use on state property. Units on the ground coordinating with the Aviation Unit were able to locate and educate select individuals of the rules.
NR Pilot Brad Maas (Brainerd) worked on airplane training material and brought a helicopter back from maintenance. He also completed administrative tasks.
NR Pilot Gracie Zeller (Brainerd) drove NR Pilot Maas to retrieve a helicopter from maintenance. She also continued ground training for her fixed wing license. A survey flight was scheduled.
Enforcement Education
Please check the DNR website at www.mndnr.gov for a current class listing of all DNR Enforcement Education Courses and instructor training sessions.
If you missed a fall class and are over 18, check online for the online course information. (It is also at www. mndnr.gov.)
Please check the DNR website www.mndnr.gov for a current class listing of all DNR Enforcement Youth and Adult Snowmobile Safety Courses and instructor training sessions.
Please direct questions to 1-800-366-8917 or 1-888-MINNDNR.
Reminder: Anyone born after December 31, 1979 cannot purchase a license to hunt in Minnesota without first taking a DNR Safety Training Course and receiving a certificate. In addition, many states have even more stringent mandatory Hunter Education requirements.