PLEASE NOTE: Your free event news can be posted on the Ely Echo newspaper’s Community Calendar. Send your info to: [email protected].
ECR Art Auction will be held on March 22. This year’s theme is “A Celebration of Artful Living in Ely.” Support programming for local kids by bidding on art from local artists. There will be a live auction, silent auction, and raffle. Catered food provided. Tickets are $10. Viewing/appetizers at 5 p.m. and the auction begins at 6 p.m.
At the Ely Public Library on Saturday, March 22 from 1:30-4 p.m. there will be a Death at the Circus Murder Mystery Event for adults and high school students grades 9-12. Registration will be required.
At the Ely Public Library on Tuesday, March 25 at 10:30 a.m. it will be Move and Groove for preschoolers with an adult. Get some of those wiggles out to the dance beat as Jessie leads kids in simple dances and stretches. This program is sponsored by Friends of the Library.
At the Ely Public Library on Thursday, March 27 at 1 p.m. the program will be Get Crafty: Adult Coloring. Come and join in a fellowship of coloring … chat with others as you color a page from the library’s coloring books. Please register in advance for this program. This program is sponsored by Friends of the Library.
Ely Memorial High School Spring Fling ( Post Prom) for grades 7-9 will be Saturday, April 26. The Junior/Senior Prom will be Saturday, May 3.
Cribbage is being played at the Zenith Apartments at 965 E. Camp St in Ely on Thursday evenings from 6-8 p.m. Join in, have fun. Bring your own snacks.
Northwoods Partners Caregiver Support Group meets the third Tuesday of the month from 11 a.m. to noon at the Ely Area Community Hub, 760 E. Miners Drive.