District 6 - Two Harbors
CO Sean Williams (Ely #1) reports angling activity was heavy over the week heading into a very wet and cold weekend. Trout-fishing success was low, but some crappie success was seen. Violations included failure to display ATV registration, no license in possession, and taking fish in a closed season.
CO Thomas Wahlstrom (Grand Marais) checked trout anglers on area lakes. The last few snowmobilers hit the trails before the warmup and rain. Most of the lakes have lost snow cover. Enforcement action was taken for snowmobile violations.
CO Hudson Ledeen (Hovland) reports that area snowmobile trails are almost unrideable after recent rain and warm weather. Lake ice remains consistent, but fishing remains abysmal for most anglers. Lake Superior tributaries are starting to break loose and steelhead anglers are fishing the mouths of the rivers.
CO Anthony Bermel (Babbitt) reports spring weather and conditions continuing to expand in the area. Panfish anglers were the primary focus of the week, with enforcement action taken for litter, failure to display ATV registration, trespass, and transporting an uncased firearm.
CO Megan Franzen (Silver Bay) spent the week monitoring snowmobile activity and trout angling around the area. With the warm weather, many of the trails within the Silver Bay area are no longer in good condition for snowmobile activity, and ice conditions on some of the local lakes are variable as well. Anglers were reporting moderate success on the local trout lakes.
CO Trent Anderson (Tofte) focused on ice fishing enforcement for the week. Recent rain and warm weather have made for bleak trail conditions. Enforcement action was taken for snowmobile-related violations.
District 5 - Eveleth area
CO Darrin Kittelson (International Falls #1) reports the snowmobile season is essentially over in the north. However, the northern pike tip-up fishing is going strong on Rainy Lake. People are reminded with the consistent changing weather the ice conditions can change from day to day. Animal-related complaints were handled throughout the week, as were equipment repairs.
CO Curtis Simonson (International Falls #2) checked anglers and worked ATV operators this past week. Anglers reported having some success. Recent snowfall has brought some snowmobile activity out again in the area. Ice conditions remained the same on area lakes this past week. Use caution as shorelines have started to become soft in certain areas.
CO Troy Fondie (Orr) reports working on equipment and completing training over the week. Fish house removal continues to be monitored, and area forest roads were checked. Angling activity remains minimal on area lakes. Small creeks and streams have started to open.
CO Sean Cannon (Cook) spent time this week checking ice anglers and monitoring forest roads and ATV activity. Ice has been changing rapidly. Areas with current are opening and pressure ridges have been popping, so be cautious if venturing out on ice. ATV activity continues to pick up with snow melting rapidly. Cannon also assisted with locating an overdue angler in the BWCAW this week. The angler had decided to turn their fishing trip into an overnight stay, but neglected to tell their significant other, who reported them missing the following morning. They were quickly located and were fine, other than the slow fishing. They were advised to let their significant other know if they change plans like that next time.
CO Aaron Larson (Tower) spent time checking anglers and working ATV enforcement. Larson spent time primarily checking trout lakes, and various spots for crappie anglers. He also assisted St. Louis County with a vehicle accident and followed up on complaints.
CO Marc Johnson (Hibbing) primarily worked angling and ATV activity. In addition, time was spent planning for upcoming training and completing administrative tasks. Local ice conditions deteriorated quickly over the week with warm weather and rain. The ice is still relatively thick, but the quality of the ice (especially along shorelines) is questionable. The few anglers still targeting panfish reported poor results.
CO Shane Zavodnik (Virginia) spent time working on equipment maintenance over the week. He also assisted surrounding law enforcement agencies with various calls throughout the week. Ice conditions have become unstable due to rain spells and warm weather for the past week. He advises anglers to use caution when venturing out on the ice.
CO Duke Broughten (Aurora) spent the week monitoring ice fishing activity. Few anglers were encountered. Anglers reported limited success. Recent warmer weather and rain deteriorated most of the snow in the area. Broughten also fielded calls regarding safety education classes, injured animals, and spring trapping.
Aviation Section
CO Pilot Jason Jensen (Brainerd) reports flying a wolf telemetry flight. On this flight, aeration systems were inspected and fish shelters left on the ice past the deadline were searched for.
CO Pilot Charles Scott (Brainerd) conducted flight training with NR Pilot Zeller. He also attended to aircraft maintenance.
CO Pilot Ryan Hanna (Grand Rapids) patrolled the Aitkin County area for wetland violations and recreational vehicle use in prohibited areas. Hanna also continued searching area lakes for litter and abandoned ice shelters.
CO Pilot Tim Gray (Bemidji) attended orientation for the Cessna 206 to prepare for upcoming training flights. He started the search for an angler who was overdue getting home after deciding to spend the night fishing and flew local area for shelters left on the ice.
NR Pilot Gracie Zeller (Brainerd) flew several fixed-wing training flights. She did ground lessons to learn about high performance and technically advanced aircraft systems.
Enforcement Education
Please check the DNR website at www.mndnr.gov for a current class listing of all DNR Enforcement Education Courses and instructor training sessions.
If you missed a fall class and are over 18, check online for the online course information. (It is also at www.mndnr.gov.)
Please check the DNR website www.mndnr.gov for a current class listing of all DNR Enforcement Youth and Adult Snowmobile Safety Courses and instructor training sessions.
Please direct questions to 1-800-366-8917 or 1-888-MINNDNR.
Reminder: Anyone born after December 31, 1979 cannot purchase a license to hunt in Minnesota without first taking a DNR Safety Training Course and receiving a certificate. In addition, many states have even more stringent mandatory Hunter Education requirements. Check before you go!
Reminder: Any resident born after December 31, 1976, who operates a snowmobile in Minnesota must possess a snowmobile certificate. Two options are available to complete certification. Ages 11 and older can take the online course and hands-on day or attend the traditional youth course. Those 16 or older can take the online course.
Reminder: Anyone born after July 1, 1987, who operates an ATV on public lands and waters in Minnesota must successfully complete the ATV Safety Training online course. People under age 16 must complete the ATV online course and riding component before riding on public lands.
Please direct questions to 1-800-366-8917 or 1-888-MINNDNR.
If you are 18 or older and would like to become an instructor for Snowmobile Safety, ATV Safety, Firearms Safety, Trail Ambassador or one of the Advanced Hunter programs, contact your local conservation officer or regional safety training officer. Instructor clinics are scheduled throughout the state and are listed on the DNR website.
See Also: http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/safety/instructors/training.html