He says, I promise you will limit out in two hours, or the day is free.
Quite the boast, and my favorite type of bet.
It runs directionally southwest to northeast, not a single island in the lake, the northern bay is a quagmire of wild rice in season, super muddy bottom, which meanders again to the southwest being necked down north shore pressing toward the southern shore leaving a channel a mere 60 yards wide, that eventually spills into the southwest bay of hard bottom, many deep lake drop offs, and an uncountable number of submersed rocky humps.
In the necked down area, is an underwater relic river channel, at times no wider than 15 feet, but an additional eight feet deeper than the surrounding lake bed, and therein lies the magic.
And as our guide, who has fished this lake since childhood, knows, for three weeks in the spring, drilling through 20 plus inches of ice, all the panfish, crappies, bluegills, sunnies, perch and even some largemouth bass, move from the deep lake basin, through the unseen underwater ditch, to eventually spawn along the warm northern shallow shore in the weeks to come.
But this day, very little wind, few others about, we had the length of it to ourselves, sunshine abounded, and may I say, so did the fish. Fresh fishing licenses, three fishing, three limits, in no more than an hour, plus so many more sent back down the holes, Mrs. and I are smiling, so is the guide, and may I also say, a truly great guide. Oh he got paid, happily paid.
- The Trout Whisperer