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Saturday, March 15, 2025 at 11:56 AM

This week’s Minnesota DNR Conservation Officer reports

District 6 - Two Harbors CO Sean Williams (Ely #1) reports some snowmobile activity continued around the Ely area over the week, and several complaints were taken of ATV and truck use on the snowmobile trails. Residents and visitors are reminded that there are still snowmobiles using the trails and no other motor vehicles are allowed to travel on any designated snowmobile trail. Violations included angling with unattended lines, angling with no license in possession, and operating a motor vehicle on a designated snowmobile trail.

CO Thomas Wahlstrom (Grand Marais) checked snowmobilers and anglers on area lakes. Wahlstrom and other area officers helped at the Cook County Middle School exploratory ice fishing day. The students had a great day on the ice and landed several nice splake to take home and enjoy. Enforcement action was taken for angling violations.

CO Hudson Ledeen (Hovland) spent time patrolling fishing and snowmobiling activities. Recent warm weather is going to take its toll on the snowmobile trails. Fishing remains slow for anglers, but plenty of ice on the lakes will keep the season going for some time.

CO Anthony Bermel (Babbitt) reports a busy week of working complaints and responding to calls. Enforcement action included several instances of driving vehicles on a grant-in-aid snowmobile trail. Trails are still snow-covered and will be for some time and will be strictly enforced. Additional violations encountered were fishing without a license, litter, no shelter tag, and failure to display snowmobile registration.

CO Megan Franzen (Silver Bay) spent the week monitoring snowmobile and ice angling activity throughout the area. Snowfall during the week helped to save the local trails as the weather warmed. Enforcement action was taken for snowmobile-related violations.

CO Trent Anderson (Tofte) focused on ice fishing and snowmobile enforcement for the week. Many snowmobilers were out enjoying their last ride of the season. Enforcement action was taken for various snowmobiling and angling related offenses.

District 5 - Eveleth area CO Darrin Kittelson (International Falls #1) reports ice fishing on Rainy Lake continues to be the focus of work activities. He also handled a few animal-related complaints. People are encouraged to start thinking about shelter removal on Rainy Lake and remember there is no such thing as safe ice.

CO Curtis Simonson (International Falls #2) reports working area lakes this past week checking anglers. If they have not already, Simonson would like to remind people to consider or make plans to remove shelters from area waterways and make sure nothing is left behind.

CO John Slatinski IV (Ray) checked on dock work and other waters-related projects. Slatinski fielded questions on fishing zone regulations, attended training, and attended to equipment maintenance.

CO Troy Fondie (Orr) reports the snowmobile season appears over with minimal snow cover noted. Angling activity continues to be monitored, with little activity noted. Area forest roads were checked. Logging activity has slowed with spring break up around the corner. ATV riders have reappeared. Forecasted temps in the 40s to low 50s and rain this upcoming week should change the landscape.

CO Aaron Larson (Tower) worked primarily angling enforcement. He primarily spent time checking trout lakes and backwoods/walkin lakes. Time was also spent checking for ATV activity and working on yearly training.

CO Marc Johnson (Hibbing) primarily worked angling and ATV enforcement. With the seasons changing, recreational activity took a huge dip over the week as people prepare for spring and summer activities. More ATVs are being seen as the snowmobile trails are now mostly unnavigable. A reminder that the ice shelter removal date for inland waters in northern Minnesota is March 17, but with temps in the 50s this week, it is recommended that they be removed sooner than later.

CO Duke Broughten (Aurora) spent the week monitoring ice fishing activity. Anglers reported moderate success with panfish. Recent warm weather has deteriorated area snowmobile trails. Without any new snow snowmobile season may be over.

Aviation Section

CO Pilot Jason Jensen (Brainerd) reports flying recon flights for fish shelter removal. On these flights, potential unpermitted aeration systems and public waters and aquatic plant management violations were documented. Jensen also checked ice anglers from the airplane on various lakes during these same recon flights. Enforcement action was taken for no angling license in possession.

CO Pilot Charles Scott (Brainerd) continued with ongoing mission flight training for unit pilots and completed night currency requirements. Scott assisted with a shelter flight with CO Pilot Hanna.

CO Pilot Tim Gray (Bemidji) repositioned an aircraft for a wildlife project. He also flew to locate shelters on local lakes that have the removal deadline approaching.

CO Pilot Ryan Hanna (Grand Rapids) conducted flights to verify that all ice shelters and garbage were removed from area lakes around the Mille Lacs and Kanabec counties. Using aviation to search for such items is more efficient and thorough than long ground searches due to the contrast between garbage and ice making it more noticeable.

NR Pilot Brad Maas (Brainerd) flew a helicopter instructor training flight and taught local middle school students about moose, deer, and elk surveys. He also repositioned a helicopter for maintenance and flew a fixed wing training flight.

NR Pilot Gracie Zeller (Brainerd) flew a training flight with a unit pilot to satisfy specific biannual training and testing requirements required by the FAA. She joined NR Pilot Maas in educating middle schoolers about how the DNR combines biology with aviation to monitor and protect the natural resources of Minnesota. Zeller also continued ground training tasks.

Enforcement Education Please check the DNR website at www.mndnr.gov for a current class listing of all DNR Enforcement Education Courses and instructor training sessions.

If you missed a fall class and are over 18, check online for the online course information. (It is also at www.


Please check the DNR website www.mndnr.gov for a current class listing of all DNR Enforcement Youth and Adult Snowmobile Safety Courses and instructor training sessions.

Please direct questions to 1-800-366-8917 or 1-888-MINNDNR.

Reminder: Anyone born after December 31, 1979 cannot purchase a license to hunt in Minnesota without first taking a DNR Safety Training Course and receiving a certificate. In addition, many states have even more stringent mandatory Hunter Education requirements. Check before you go!

Reminder: Any resident born after December 31, 1976, who operates a snowmobile in Minnesota must possess a snowmobile certificate. Two options are available to complete certification. Ages 11 and older can take the online course and hands-on day or attend the traditional youth course. Those 16 or older can take the online course.

Reminder: Anyone born after July 1, 1987, who operates an ATV on public lands and waters in Minnesota must successfully complete the ATV Safety Training online course. People under age 16 must complete the ATV online course and riding component before riding on public lands.


Ely Echo
Babbitt Weekly

Spirit of the Wilderness
Z'up North Realty
Canoe Capital Realty (white)
North American Bear Center
The Ely Echo Photo Printing Service
Grand Ely Lodge
Ely Realty