Twenty-five projects were recently awarded a total of $504,000 in Culture & Tourism grants by the Iron Range Resources & Rehabilitation (IRRR) Board.
The agency invests approximately $600,000 annually into the grant program.
The grants assist projects that support arts, culture, history, tourism and recreational activities, enhance the quality of life in the region and attract visitors.
“These projects represent continuous improvements being made to the communities and amenities throughout the Taconite Assistance Area,” said IRRRB Commissioner Ida Rukavina. “Culture & Tourism grants, like all of our agency’s grants, are funded from Taconite Production Tax generated by the local mining industry. The investments made from that tax enrich the economy and quality of life for all of us who live and work here.”
Recent grants include:
• Cast Outdoor Adventures Inc., Ely: $6,000 to purchase adaptive winter dog sledding equipment and expand program offerings.
• Ely Area Community Foundation, Ely: $25,000 to convert an existing space at The Ely Hub into a community center style room.
• Ely’s Historic State Theater, Ely: $30,000 to add amenities including a new point-of-sale system, mobile concessions, a new website and ADA-compliant restrooms.
• City of Babbitt: $30,000 to update city parks with ADA-compliant features, add trash receptacles and rebuild the skatepark.