Ely’s End of the Road Archers won’t have to travel next weekend.
After taking part in meets around the region, the local team will play host to area teams next Saturday, March 8, with an event at the high school.
At a meet last week, both Hayden Weidemann and Payson Kundinger recorded second-place finishes in the middle school division at the Hill City Bullseye Tournament.
Weideman secured his second place and personal best by shooting a perfect 50 at the 10 meter.
Joining him in the 50 point club was Sabrah Hart, also in the 10 meter.
Ely’s middle school team shot 2853 total points overall, which landed them with a third place team finish.
Recording bullseye personal bests were Alyssa Anderson, Alyssa Ice, Mason Lee and Weidemann.