District 6 - Two Harbors CO Sean Williams (Ely #1) reports trout-fishing activity increased over the warming week. Angler success was generally low, especially for lake trout. Snowmobile activity stayed high throughout the week and several accidents were responded to in the area all involving speeds that were too fast for the conditions or rider ability. Violations included failure to display current registration and snowmobile speed.
CO Brent Ihnen (Ely #2) patrolled his station this week focusing on fishing activity. Ihnen also checked snowmobile and ATV operators. Additional time was spent checking for litter around fish houses.
CO Thomas Wahlstrom (Grand Marais) spent the week checking anglers and snowmobilers. The trails were busy with snowmobilers and compliance was good. Remote trout lakes were monitored, and anglers were checked.
CO Hudson Ledeen (Hovland) spent the week patrolling angling and snowmobiling activities. Fishing was extremely poor with most anglers not having any success. Enforcement action was taken for a variety of violations.
CO Anthony Bermel (Babbitt) reports the snowmobile trails continue to be extremely busy. With high use and several crashes in the area, speed enforcement was a focal point. Several riders traveling more than 80 miles per hour were stopped and cited this week. Other enforcement action included loud exhaust, failure to transfer ownership, unregistered snowmobiles, and unmarked fish houses.
CO Megan Franzen (Silver Bay) spent the week primarily focusing on snowmobile enforcement. The warm weather brought many visitors to the area, and the trail traffic was heavy. If recreating on the trails, please be considerate of private property and safe trail etiquette.
CO Trent Anderson (Tofte) focused on ice fishing and snowmobile enforcement for the week. Time was spent handling wildlife-related calls. Anglers encountered a slow bite but were enthusiastic about the warmer weather. Enforcement action was taken for various angling and snowmobile-related offenses.
District 5 - Eveleth area CO Darrin Kittelson (International Falls #1) reports a majority of the week was spent at Camp Ripley instructing officers in emergency vehicle operations and skills, along with a refresher on snowmobile operations and handling. Ice fishing and snowmobiling enforcement continue to be the main emphasis in the work activity. People are reminded that reducing speed can prevent most snowmobile accidents.
CO Curtis Simonson (International Falls #2) reports working area trails, lakes, and rivers this past week. Enforcement action was taken for excessive snowmobile speed, 19 crappies over the limit, snowmobile registration, unattended lines, and litter. Many people were out enjoying area trails this past week with the nice weather.
CO John Slatinski IV (Ray) reports snowmobile activity in the area continues to be high, and crash numbers continue to climb. Training was attended at Camp Ripley.
CO Troy Fondie (Orr) continued monitoring area snowmobile trails for snowmobile activity. Angling activity was minimal at best over the week with few anglers observed. Local forest roads continue to be checked, and public access sites visited. Administrative tasks were completed, as was equipment work.
CO Aaron Larson (Tower) worked primarily angling and snowmobile enforcement. Violations were related to snowmobile speed and illegal exhaust. Time was also spent assisting other agencies with vehicle and snowmobile accidents.
CO Marc Johnson (Hibbing) primarily worked angling and snowmobile activity. In addition, time was spent training emergency vehicle operation at Camp Ripley and assisting with a snowmobile safety class.
CO Shane Zavodnik (Virginia) spent time assisting other instructors with a snowmobile refresher class at Camp Ripley over the week. Additional time was spent patrolling area snowmobile trails. Excessive speed was the most common violation observed throughout the busy weekend. Additionally, excessive muffler noise, snowmobile safety, and registration violations were also encountered.
CO Sean Cannon (Cook) spent most of the week monitoring snowmobile activity and checking ice anglers. The trails and lakes were very busy over the week, with seemingly everyone out enjoying the warm weather this last weekend. A couple snowmobile crashes were responded to, with several others reported in the area as well. With all the traffic and warm weather, the trails might be done for the season unless we get some more snow. Fishing success was mixed with some people having great luck and others not catching anything. Many anglers pulled their houses with the end of the walleye season. Enforcement action taken this week included snowmobile speeding, careless operation, registration issues, and various angling issues.
CO Duke Broughten (Aurora) spent the week monitoring fishing and snowmobile activity. Fishing activity was relatively low this week. Anglers encountered reported limited success. High snowmobile activity and warmer weather took a toll on area trails. With warmer weather this week and no new snow, trails will be in rough shape. Broughten also spoke to a snowmobile safety class regarding rules, regulations, and ethics.
Aviation Section
CO Pilot Jason Jensen (Brainerd) reports flying an ice angler enforcement flight and working on required online training.
CO Pilot Charles Scott (Brainerd) continued mission flight training with pilots in the unit. He also attended emergency vehicle operation training at Camp Ripley.
CO Pilot Ryan Hanna (Grand Rapids) patrolled Brainerd and surrounding areas for violations that can be seen from the air. Violations this time of the year include but are not limited to wetland violations, trespassing, and violating deer feeding bans.
CO Pilot Tim Gray (Bemidji) attended EVOC training at Camp Ripley. Gray also moved a plane for routine maintenance.
NR Pilot Brad Maas (Brainerd) completed a helicopter training flight and attended an aviation safety webinar. He also completed administrative tasks.
NR Pilot Gracie Zeller (Brainerd) prepared for the upcoming cattail season and began annual fire suppression training modules. Vehicle maintenance tasks were attended to, as were helicopter maintenance record- keeping tasks.