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Thursday, March 6, 2025 at 9:12 PM

Ely Echo Editorial: Cold weather fires and calling 911

The sound of fire trucks with sirens on going through town was to be expected when the temperatures dropped to 35 degrees below zero.

Chimney fires may have dropped in number, but fires in cold weather go together like snow and ice. We all feel for the homeowner and the firefighters who have to deal with a fire on a cold winter’s day.

Luckily the calls that did happen did not have any casualties. Houses can be repaired or rebuilt.

There was an important message from our local fire departments if you ever are in a situation where there’s a chimney fire or you smell smoke: First call 911. This goes for carbon monoxide alarms as well.

Both of the fires Morse-Fall Lake responded to could have had less damage if 911 had been dialed right away. Opening doors and windows to let smoke out, as an example, is feeding the fire oxygen and letting it grow rapidly. Better to have the fire trucks arrive and handle the situation instead of trying to solve the problem on your own.

Back to the firefighters, whether in the Ely area or in Los Angeles, we appreciate the work they do and the situations they willingly walk into. Our firefighters, first responders and ambulance crews train regularly so they know what to do when a 911 call comes in.

These positions are often filled by people who have a separate full-time job. They give up nights and weekends to train and to stand out in -35 degree temps where the ground becomes a skating rink.

For the Wolf Lake Road fire, St. Louis County’s public works department stepped up and made sure the roads around the fire were sanded so the trucks could get to the water source.

Thanks to all and let’s remember if we’re ever in a smoky situation, call 911 first.


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