(Publisher’s Note: We will be running summary reports from city department heads as space allows.) by Ambulance Director Joe White I would like to wish the city of Babbitt a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. It has been an Honor to serve this great community as your ambulance director. So many of you have thanked this department on Facebook and in person. We greatly appreciate all of you. The handshakes and hugs mean the world to us. The many hours of tears and conversations we have shared with many of you at scene and around town have been a joy for us. The men and women on this department have a shared love of this community that is truly something special and we appreciate the love we feel from this community. This year has been a year of challenges for our department, but we have met each challenge and overcame the many trivial issues that tried to harm our service. We are stronger than ever and have moved past those issues. I would like to thank every active member of the Babbitt ambulance service for all your hard work this year and making our service the success that it is. Thank you all!
Special thanks to: The Babbitt city council who has supported me as director The Ely Ambulance Service for their friendship and unified support of both our department. We have created a dynamic friendship between our departments I hope continues through the years.
• 274 911 call for the year
• 36 transports for the year People who stood out in 2024 (as of Dec. 10):
• Mike Rhein 97 runs for the year
• Jon Shenett 85 runs for the year
• Sheri Feiro for the hours she puts in merging our calls with the fire department as well as ordering all our supplies and assisting in many other areas her hard work is very appreciated.
• Andy Gerlovich for the countless hours you give the department doing maintenance and IT work. His work is very appreciated.
• Assistant director Emily Jaeger working on training and the bible as well as assisting on inventories making sure our supplies do not expire. Her work is very appreciated.
The 1,500 hour and above on call club as of Dec. 10:
• Shenett 1,758 on call hours for the year #1
• White 1,658 on call hours for the year
• Rhein 1,502 on call hours for the year