After the Ambulance Joint Powers board met last week, a couple of things became clear. One, the money is flowing again. And two, cooperation is not on the table.
During the entire meeting, not mentioned once was that the non-profit Ely Area Ambulance Service will receive $290,036.50 from the state. And yet, the four local government reps agreed to provide $52,000, a total of $20.20 per person, in additional funding that was slated for 2024.
Part of that funding had already been given in December of 2023, the remainder for 2024 will be provided in 2025. This came after the EAAS tried to end run the joint powers process and bill each government separately. Well, the two townships at the least. Both Ely and Winton were not billed. In the end, all four will kick in funding, just as has been done for decades, albeit at a higher rate.
In fact, Fall Lake will pay a much higher amount, five times what they are obligated to pay. This happened when the current EAAS board chair, Joe Baltich, was able to use his seat on the Lake County board to steer $35,000 to Fall Lake Township. Fall Lake actually only owes $6,400.
Thankfully the joint powers process was upheld and the monies will go through the joint powers board. As noted at the meeting, the EAAS is fortunate to have Lake County provide funding. This is not something St. Louis County is willing to do.
We are disappointed, however, that EAAS and Ely-Bloomenson Community Hospital are not able to find common ground. We still believe a cooperative arrangement would be a better resolution to the ongoing problem of funding ambulance services in the area.