Town of Morse voters will likely be looking at another year without a tax increase at the annual meeting in March.
Morse treasurer Mary Ann Lekatz presented the board with a 2026 proposed budget with an increase from $377,000 to $393,900 but no levy increase.
Lekatz said with taconite funds and other revenues, the levy should be able to stay at $365,730.16.
Berrini noted the board did spend down a portion of the township reserves but purchased a new dump truck, did blacktopping on several roads and purchased culverts.
In other business, the board:
• Heard from clerk Nick Wognum that a parcel on the east end of Shagawa Lake is up for sale. He said the DNR has been looking to buy the land, which includes a snowmobile trail that leads to Fall Lake.
“I’m hoping there can at least be an easement so we can keep the trail even if the property is sold to a private party,” said Wognum.
• Approved a revenue- sharing agreement with K2 Towers. The township owns land near the Ely Golf Course which had been leased to Midco in the past. K2 acquired the lease and is looking to rent out space on the tower.
• Signed off on a proposed floodplain ordinance from St. Louis County along with a resolution delegating cannabis retail registration to St. Louis County.