Living in Minnesota, if someone asked you, what’s the largest mall in America, I’d bet ya they’d get that one right. Winningest pro football coach ever, one could simply Google that. Best baby back ribs south of the Mason Dickson Line? So many choices and personal tastes, it’s impossible to say.
So what is the best gun shop in North America?
I’ll take a beaded lead on Griffin & Howe, in Andover, New Jersey, where you can walk out the back door prior to your purchase, there’s room for you with it being a modest 4,000 acres and try it for free, on their sporting clay station, fitting and smithing done onsite. Shooting lessons, why of course. Oh could I use a lesson or two.
Being a double barrel-minded individual there’s Albrights Gun Shop, in Easton, Maryland, open since 1973, same owner to this day. It is the undisputed waterfowl upland shop steeped in old-line tradition. Parker, LC Smith, Caesar Guerini, to pardon me, the lowly Beretta or Browning lines which are fully on display. The salesperson who helps you, will walk out the door with you, and spend the afternoon or the following morning hunting, as your guide. I kinda tingle over that.
I eject the final round with J. E. Cauthen & Sons, in Fredericksburg, Texas. Gun shop, with museum, think caviar with champagne flutes.
Holland and Holland, one would expect nothing less, and if you want to shake, shiver and quiver, ask to hold a Perazzi SCO, chambered in .410.
.410, are you kidding me, no they’re not. Army issue, say, year 1800, revolvers, just over there, but not before you cast your eyes upon some of the all-time greatest outdoor works of art ever produced.
So what’s the best gun shop in North America? Well, like many things in life, you get to decide.
- The Trout Whisperer