District 6 - Two Harbors CO Sean Williams (Ely 1) reports: by the end of the regular firearm deer season hunting activity had seemed to slow to a level much lower than previous years. Some success was seen, but most hunters reported not seeing a buck and several spoke to had not seen a single deer while hunting the entire season. Violations included: fail to register a deer and lend/ borrow a deer tag.
CO Brent Ihnen (Ely 2) patrolled his station this week focusing on deer hunting as well as small game hunting and trapping activity. He also checked fishermen and ATV operators.
CO Anthony Bermel (Babbitt) worked primarily deer hunting enforcement throughout the week. Enforcement action was taken for taking a deer within a highway right-of-way, and for open package of marijuana in a motor vehicle.
CO Thomas Wahlstrom (Grand Marais) spent the week checking the few remaining deer hunters trying their luck. Success was low across Cook County which left hunters frustrated. The officer followed up with ongoing investigations.
COHudsonLedeen(Hovland) reports a quiet end to the firearms deer season. Time was also spent focusing on trapping and angling activity.
CO Trent Anderson (Tofte) focused on deer and grouse hunting enforcement for the week. Time was spent handling wildlife related calls. Firearms deer season came to a quiet end with few hunters out in the field despite favorable weather conditions. Equipment maintenance was conducted.
CO Don Murray (Two Harbors) worked a quiet end to the firearms deer season. Hunters reported seeing more deer this season than the previous year, but hunters were mostly absent for the season closing. Hunters are reminded to properly dispose of harvested deer carcasses and not on public lands. Trapping checks continued this week for beaver and mink and most small ponds and creeks remained ice free for trappers in the area.
District 5 - Eveleth area CO Curtis Simonson (Int’l Falls #2) reports working the firearms deer season, checking small game hunters and monitoring trapping activity.
CO John Slatinski IV (Ray) Although the second week of deer camp didn’t see the same number of participants as the opener there were still plenty of shacks with hunters happy to be with their groups. It seemed that the deer activity seen during the opening weekend quickly waned as deer became less active. One individual stated they sat for eighty-four hours andonlysawonedoewithtwo yearlings. Most shacks rolled up the carpet early on Sunday to head home until next fall, although a few hanging around so as not to miss out on the Vikings game. Some commented they are looking forward to the Thanksgiving break and then heading back out with the muzzleloader for another chance.
CO Troy Fondie (Orr) reports the deer season ended much like it started, very few hunters and fewer deer. Disappointment with lack of deer and predator numbers was common theme throughout the deer season. Hunter numbers appear to continue to decline locally. Administrative tasks were completed along with equipment work.
CO Sean Cannon (Cook) spent this week focusing on the final week of the rifle deer season. Things slowed down significantly this week, with not many hunters out and few deer seen. Some time was also spent dealing with illegal decorative materials harvesting still occurring. CO Cannon spent time investigating the dumping of six deer carcasses on a rural road East of Cook that occurred the second weekend of the season. Thefourdoesandtwo buckswereinvariousstatesof butchering, with most being only half butchered. Anyone with information on these deer is encouraged to report it to either CO Cannon directly, the TIP line at 800-652-9093, or the MNTip app on your cell phone.
COAaronLarson(Tower) finished off the firearms deer season working primarily hunting activity. Many hunters reported unsuccessful deer hunts with very few deer being seen, and some reporting no deer had been spotted during the entire 16-day season. Larson had many contacts that hunters reported seeing a lot of wolf activity. Larson worked on responding to trespass calls, assisting other agencies, and deer showing up dead on private property. Violations from the season continue to be investigated.
CO Marc Johnson (Hibbing) primarily worked big game activity over the remaining week of the firearms deer season. The final weekend of the season was slow with few hunters still in the woods. Violations encountered included trespassing, hunting over bait, and transporting loaded firearms in a motor vehicle. Work was completed in ongoing investigations.
CO Shane Zavodnik (Virginia) and COC Matthew Boyle, report lower number of deer hunters the last week of the season and low harvest rates for local deer hunters. They responded to trespass, illegal baiting, and received other misc. big game related phone calls.
District 7 - Grand Rapids CO Vinny Brown (Northome) checked deer hunters, answered hunting related questions, and responded to TIP calls. In between hunter checks, decorative materials checks were made. Enforcement action was taken for shooting a goose with a rifle, taking waterfowl with lead (toxic) shot, and wanton waste.
CO Jayson Hansen (Bigfork) WorkedATV’s,hunting, and fishing activities. He patrolled campgrounds and trails. Numerous game and fish questions were answered. He also responded to wildlife- related complaints.
COMikeFairbanks(Deer River) checked hunters, investigated TIP complaints, assisted the County with a person held against their will call and worked shining details. Enforcement action was taken for license issues and arrest for outstanding warrant.
CO Thomas Sutherland (Grand Rapids) continued deer work activities with local activity slowing down. CO Sutherland took enforcement action for baiting deer, feeding deer in a closed area and not tagging deer.
COJimmyVanAsch(Pengilly) – focused enforcement efforts on big-game, smallgame, trapping, and ATV activates throughout the surrounding areas. The firearms deer season conclude with many of the hunters contacted reporting poor success. Enforcement action was taken for shooting from a motor vehicle at a wild animal and transporting loaded firearms.