Dear Ely Public School District Families and Community Members,
I am thrilled to share the wonderful news that our community has come together to support our students, educators, and school programs by passing the Capital Project Levy Authorization. This milestone reflects our community’s unwavering commitment to ensuring our schools’ continued growth, success, and sustainability.
On behalf of the Ely Public School District, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who took the time to learn about this vital initiative, engaged in conversations, and ultimately cast their vote in favor of investing in our future. Your support means that we can continue to provide educational programs that will have a lasting impact on our students, staff, and families for years to come.
With the approval of the Capital Project Levy, we will be able to:
1. Transportation
a. Continue to update our aging transportation fleet to keep our buses, vans and suburbans up to date, dependable, and safe for our students who travel to and from school and extracurricular events.
b. Replace our aging fleet throughout the 10-year levy on a three-year replacement schedule.
2. Technology
a. Continue to increase student access and creative practices to personalize learning, purchasing online curriculums, software, and subscriptions that help support students learning.
b. Provide professional learning opportunities for staff and expand safety measures to protect our entire District from cyber attacks.
c. Support a sustainable replacement schedule for student and staff devices.
3. Textbooks, Curriculum, Materials, and Learning Equipment
a. Purchase current curriculum in subjects that have not been updated in 10-15 years.
b. Replace and update furnishings and equipment for students to create flexible learning environments that accommodate students’ learning styles and needs.
This progress would not be possible without the collaborative effort of so many in our community who believe in the power of education to transform lives.
Thank you again for standing with our schools and supporting this vision for a more robust, brighter future for all. Together, we are building a legacy of excellence that will benefit future generations.
With gratitude and pride,
Anne M. Oelke
Superintendent of the Ely Public School District
(218) 365-6166 ext. 4