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Saturday, October 5, 2024 at 11:38 PM

This week’s Minnesota DNR Conservation Officer reports

District 6 - Two Harbors

CO Sean Williams (Ely #1) reports angling activity returned to preflood levels. Success was found to be good with most gamefish species being represented in live wells checked. He also assistedLakeCountywithasuccessful search for a lost hiker on the edge of the BWCA.

CO Brent Ihnen (Ely #2) spent the week checking anglers, boaters, and ATV operators. Ihnen also patrolled for AIS compliance near area lakes.

CO Thomas Wahlstrom (Grand Marais) spent the week checking anglers on area lakes and ATV riders. He worked with the U.S. Forest Service in the BWCA on a follow-up investigation. Wildlife-related calls were handled. Enforcement action was taken for angling and watercraft violations.

CO Hudson Ledeen (Grand Marais #2) spent the week patrolling area lakes and rivers. Most folks contacted were having a tough time catching fish. Enforcement actionwastakenforavariety of violations.

CO Anthony Bermel (Babbitt) worked ATV, angling, boating, and AIS enforcement. Time was spent with other officers at the International Falls border crossing checking fish coming in from Canada. Enforcement action for the week included possession of fish unlawfully taken and possessed in Canada, unregistered watercraft, transporting aquatic vegetation, burning prohibited materials, and operating an ATV on a state highway.

CO Don Murray (Two Harbors) worked angling and boating activity duringtheweek.Waterlevelsremained high this week, making for difficulty launching boats. Nuisance-bear activity continued this week, with the most common attractant being unsecured trash bins. Enforcement action was taken for failure to remove awatercraft drain plug before transporting and licensing violations.

District 5 - Eveleth area

CO Darrin Kittelson (International Falls #1) reports time was spent instructing the emergency vehicle operations course and recreational vehicle enforcement at the CO Academy at Camp Ripley. Animal-related complaints and fishing enforcement on Rainy Lake and the Rainy River was also part of his work activities.

CO Curtis Simonson (International Falls #2) reports working area lakes this past week and handling nuisancebear complaints. The fishing report remains good throughout the area.

CO John Slatinski IV (Ray) assisted with a security detail on the Pioneer Fire in Washington State.

CO Troy Fondie (Orr) reports continued problems with bears and beavers. Lakes were checked, forest roads were monitored, and public access sites were visited. Administrative reporting is ongoing. Equipment work continues. Rain continues and there’s no end to the mosquitos.

CO Sean Cannon (Cook) spent the week monitoring angling and boating activity, which had dropped off significantly since the storms. Lake levels are starting to recede but remain high. Time was also spent monitoring ATV activity and handling complaints.

CO Aaron Larson (Tower) spent most of his time working angling enforcement and ATV enforcement. Larson fielded calls related to high waters, beaver issues, and trespass complaints. He also assisted State Patrol with traffic control on Highway 169.COsBermel,Kittelson,andLarson spent time working at the U.S./Canada border checking anglers coming from Canada. Violations were related to transporting fish without a skin patch, possessing overlimits, and failure to have an angling license.

CO ShaneZavodnik(Virginia)spent timeonthewatercheckinganglersand conductingboatingsafetychecks.Additional time was spent taking nuisanceanimal calls and evaluating cadets during scenario day at Camp Ripley.

CO Duke Broughten (Aurora) spent the week monitoring fishing, boating, and ATV activity. Water continues to be high on area lakes but has come down sincetheheavyrains.ATVtrailsarein betterconditionthanexpected.Anglers reported limited success this week. Rainy and windy weather appeared to have reduced ATV and boating activity. Boaters are reminded to use caution as the heavy rains and flooding may have moved previous hazards or created new ones.

Water Resource Enforcement

WREO Joe Stattelman (NW) spent the week working on open cases and assisting area COs with cases and complaints. Time was spent following up on animal-related complaints and public waters complaints. Ongoing cases were updated.

WREODustieSpeldrich(NorthMetro) closed out ongoing cases. Speldrich attended an AIS check station. Enforcement action was taken for transporting aquatic macrophytes.

Aviation Section

CO Pilot Jason Jensen (Brainerd) reports flying numerous lake surveys and an aquatic plant management recon flight for an officer who is having trouble withaqua thrusters and wild riceareas.

CO Pilot Tim Gray (Bemidji) flew multiple day and night fisheries survey flights. Gray also got in a wood duck telemetry flight and managed to download GPS data from a wood duck collar while doing atight low circle over its home pond.

CO Pilot Charles Scott (Grand Rapids) completed sketch mapping flights. Scott also conducted multiple training flights with unit pilots and repositioned aircraft for maintenance.

NR Pilot Brad Maas (Brainerd) assisted in hangar cleanout and moving equipment with the retirement of CO Pilot Geving. He also completed a helicopter training flight and worked on cattail spray season preparation.

NR Pilot Gracie Zeller (Brainerd) helped move items out of a unit hangar. She flew multiple fixed wing training flights and performed maintenance test flights before returning a helicopter from annual maintenance. Zeller also completed maintenance tracking logs.

Enforcement Education

Please check the DNR website at www.mndnr.gov for a current class listing of all DNR Enforcement Education Courses and instructor training sessions.

If you missed a fall class and are over 18, check online for the online course information. (It’s also at www. mndnr.gov.)

Please check the DNR website www. mndnr.gov for a current class listing of all DNR Enforcement Youth and Adult Snowmobile Safety Courses and instructor training sessions.

Please direct questions to 1-800-3668917 or 1-888-MINNDNR.

Reminder: Anyone born after December 31, 1979 cannot purchase a license to hunt in Minnesota without first taking a DNR Safety Training Course and receiving a certificate. In addition, many states have even more stringent mandatory Hunter Education requirements. Check before you go!

Reminder: Any resident born after December 31, 1976, who operates a snowmobileinMinnesotamustpossess a snowmobile certificate. Two options are available to complete certification. Ages 11 and older can take the online course and hands-on day or attend the traditional youth course. Those 16 or older can take the online course.

Reminder: Anyone born after July 1, 1987, who operates an ATV on public lands and waters in Minnesota must successfully complete the ATV Safety Training online course. People under age 16 must complete the ATV online course and riding component before riding on public lands.

Please direct questions to 1-800-3668917 or 1-888-MINNDNR.

SCHEDULED INSTRUCTOR TRAINING SESSIONS If you are 18 or older and would like to become an instructor for Snowmobile Safety, ATV Safety, Firearms Safety, Trail Ambassador or one of the Advanced Hunterprograms,contactyour local conservation officer or regional safety training officer.


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