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Monday, July 1, 2024 at 1:09 AM

Babbitt council will look for $10,000 so library can purchase books

Babbitt council will look for $10,000 so library can purchase books

The Babbitt city council heard from former clerk and current Library Board member Cathy Hoheisel on the library budget at a June 18 meeting.

The council had cut the 2024 budget by $9,445 to $172,075.

“There’s no books being purchased in 2024,” said Cathy Hoheisel. She asked the council to put some money toward purchasing books this year.

“The library is for the community and it’s a darn shame if we can’t buy any books,” said Cathy Hoheisel.

The amount for video was cut from $1,500 to $80.

Council member Joe White asked about a $3,000 donation from Northshore. The application was never finished.

Also advocating for funds was former clerk and current Library Board member Elaine Postudensek. She questioned whether the library uses $9,000 in electricity since the cost is estimated based on square footage.

Council member Joe White questioned how costs are appropriated to each department, citing $2,000 for phone expenses.

“I’m not sure it’s proportioned even fair,” said White. “You shouldn’t be expensing electric and phone bills you don’t have control over.”

He then went a step further. “We are being ripped off. We need to change (the phone) company, $25,000 a year for the city of Babbitt is ridiculous,” said White.

He asked what the board was looking for. The answer was $10,000 to have the $9,445 cut restored.

“I guess we’ll take what you give us,” said Cathy Hoheisel.

“That $10,000 is a lot and you all know what a tough time we have during our budget sessions,” said council member Jim Lassi.

“I’m not opposed to it but where are we going to find it,” said Lassi.

The city started the year with over $4 million in its general fund.

“Becky can we afford $10,000 out of one our budgets?” White asked Jaeger.

“Yes could you take it out of city facilities but I don’t know if you want to take it out of there,” said Jaeger.

“Or you could take it out of the government fund,” said Cathy Hoheisel.

Lassi asked for the decision to be delayed. Council member Paul Hoheisel asked that the issue be on the July 2 agenda.

“We need books,” said Paul Hoheisel.


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