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Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 11:15 PM

This week’s Minnesota DNR Conservation Officer reports

District 6 - Two Harbors

CO Sean Williams (Ely #1) reports angling activity continued to be the focus through the week. Success was found to be much more difficult, and many anglers reported little to no success for days. Areas of the BWCA were patrolled by canoe and biting insects of every variety were found to be present andveryactive.Violationsincluded:angling with no license in possession and fail to display watercraft registration.

CO Brent Ihnen (Ely #2) checked fishermen and boaters this week. Additional time was spent patrolling for AIS violations as well as ATV activity.

CO Hudson Ledeen (Grand Marais 2) reports that nuisance bears continue to be a problem. Again, people are reminded to put away any items that could attract a bear to their property. Fishingremainssteadywithsomenice sized fish being caught.

CO Anthony Bermel (Babbitt) went on an extended BWCAW patrol with a DNR enforcement intern. Many checks were made, and the fish and the bugs were both biting. Plenty of enforcement action to report, including several people fishingwithoutlicenses,severalcan food and beverage container violations, a couple non-maintained campsites with food out in the open while no one was at the site, and unregistered watercraft. Time was also spent preparing for academy instruction.

CO Don Murray (Two Harbors) worked boating and angling activity during the week. Fishing was difficult this week with above average rainfall affecting water levels in lakes and streams. Several calls came in this week regarding deer fawns being found and thought to be orphaned. Best practice is to leave fawn deer alone as the mother will often leave them for extended periods of time before returning.

District 5 - Eveleth area

CO Darrin Kittelson (International Falls #1) reports fishing activity on Rainy Lake continues to get busier as the weather starts to stabilize. People are again asked to please leave baby animals alone, give them space, let mother nature happen.

CO Curtis Simonson (International Falls #2) reports working area lakes and rivers this past week. Angler’s reports were good. Bear and fawn calls were handled throughout the week as well. ATV activity was monitored on area forest roads.

CO John Slatinski IV (Ray) Despite the tempests that have rolled through the area anglers have been persistent, and it has seemed to pay off for most. Reports of both keeper-sized, and slot fish were heard and observed. There were also members of a couple different groups having to end their vacation early due injuries received from being out in the boat with large waves. Problem bear complaints were tended to. Aquatic invasive species compliance was monitored as large volumes of vehicles towing boats has become expected on the weekends.

CO Troy Fondie (Orr) reports continued monitoring of angling and boating activities. Area forest roads were checked. Numerous phone calls fielded, and nuisance animal calls dealt with. Spare time was spent working on administrative tasks and equipment.

CO Sean Cannon (Cook) spent the majority of the time this week checking anglers and boaters. Lake Vermilion continues to get busier with angling and recreation boating alike. Anglers willing to move around and try different presentations seemed to have a better chance of catching decent fish. Time was also spent working on ongoing investigations this week. Violations encounteredthisweekincludedangling without a license, no license in possession, illegal length fish, fishing with an extra line and PFD violations.

CO Aaron Larson (Tower) worked primarily angling and ATV enforcement. Time was spent working on ongoing cases and repeat issues with ATVs in town. Larson also spent time working a work detail.

CO Shane Zavodnik (Virginia) Time was spent taking numerous nuisance bear reports over the week. He also worked a BWCA detail, assisted with a potential wolf depredation investigation, and handledseveral public waters issuesthatlakeshoreownershavebeen concerned about.

Water Resource Enforcement

WREO Luke Belgard worked angling, boating, and ATV enforcement this week. Time was spent monitoring public access sites for AIS violations. Followup was conducted with ongoing wetland and waters cases. New cases continue to come in.

WREO Dustie Speldrich (North Metro) patrolled for AIS violations and followed up on ongoing cases. She attended a LEMA Honor Guard meeting. Several questions were answered throughout the week regarding youth ATV safety training, nuisance wolves, nuisance beaver, public waters violations, and abandoned young animals.

WREO Joe Stattelman (NW) spent the week working on open cases an attending TEP meetings. Time was spent checking AIS compliance and fishermen.

WREO Jeff Humphrey (NE) continued updating regional wetland and waters cases. He followed up on an AIS inspection refusal and checking anglers and boaters at area access sites for compliance. Humphrey prepared for an upcoming court trial on a contested wetland restoration order.

Statewide Marine Unit

CO Arnaud Kpachavi (Marine Unit-Metro) focused on watercraft activity and training during the week. He assisted withtrainingattheCOacademy. Enforcement action was taken for watercraft operation, registration, and safety equipment violations.

CO Joe Kulhanek (Marine Unit – Metro) spent the week monitoring boaters on area waters. He also attended a community event in Oak Park Heights to speak with families about boat and water safety. Enforcement action for the week included expired registration, transom riding and various other infractions related to boating.

COMattMiller(MarineUnit -Duluth) checked anglers and boaters on Lake Superior. Follow-up was completed on a diesel fuel spill in the Silver Bay area. A complaint was taken of someone tampering with Fisheries on-stream study equipment, and the area will be monitored during the remaining time of the study.


Ely Echo

Babbitt Weekly

Spirit of the Wilderness
Z'up North Realty
Canoe Capital Realty (white)
North American Bear Center
The Ely Echo Photo Printing Service
Canvenience Driveways
Grand Ely Lodge
Ely Realty